About Us

Advocates for Water and Environmental Conservation (AWEC), is a local Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) that was established in 2014 in Uganda, to advocate for sustainable water use; improved sanitation, hygiene; and environmental conservation in Ugandan. AWEC’s vision is: Empowered communities that co-exist with the environment for sustainable livelihood improvement and development. AWEC currently implements activities in Kabale and Kanungu in South Western Uganda and is able to operate in any part of the country.


Community engagement:

Community members are empowered to identify local challenges linked to safe water access, sanitation, hygiene and health at community level and develop local solution for action.

Through community dialogues; AWEC has nurtured valuable partnerships for effective service delivery.

Water Education:

Children are our change agents in schools and communities. AWEC engages children / students (6-20) years in primary and secondary schools through Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) clubs to participate in hands on activities that promote sustainable water use, improved sanitation and hygiene, and environment conservation in schools and homes.

Participatory planning with WASH clubs members and Parents, Teachers Associations and Management Bodies has established new partnerships beyond the WASH sector, resulting in the formation of Village Saving and Loan Associations (VSLA) for economic empowerment.

Capacity Building:

AWEC builds the capacity of schools and their neighboring communities to develop, implement sustainable and appropriate technologies for increased access to safe water, improved sanitation & hygiene and environment conservation.

Our Mission

To promote water and environment conservation, capacity building, economic empowerment and infrastructure development through participatory approaches for the wellbeing of women, men, youth around Conservation Areas of Uganda


Improved health and nutrition through establishment of vegetable gardens in schools


Safe and clean drinking Water through water filter distribution to learners


Good Hygiene and sanitation practices through distribution of handwashing equipment


Provision of solar lumps to enable learners revise and do homework to improve class grades

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